Seafood to avoid during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a time of great joy and anticipation, but it also comes with a list of do’s and don’ts to ensure the health and well-being of both the mother and the developing baby. One crucial aspect of pregnancy nutrition is being mindful of the seafood you consume. While seafood is an excellent source of essential nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids and protein, certain types should be avoided due to potential risks to the unborn child.

High Mercury Fish

Mercury is a naturally occurring element found in varying amounts in the Earth’s crust. However, some fish species accumulate high levels of mercury in their flesh, making them a concern for pregnant women. Mercury can harm a developing baby’s nervous system. It’s important to avoid or limit the consumption of fish with high mercury levels, including:


Shark is a predator at the top of the ocean food chain, and it can contain extremely high levels of mercury. Consumption should be strictly avoided during pregnancy.


get beluga iranian caviar if you’re looking to indulge in a luxurious seafood treat during pregnancy, consider getting Beluga Iranian caviar. This delicacy is derived from the roe of sturgeon fish and is known for its rich, buttery flavor. Unlike some other seafood options, caviar is generally considered safe to consume during pregnancy when purchased from reputable sources.


Swordfish is another large predatory fish with high mercury content. Pregnant women should steer clear of this fish to protect their baby’s developing nervous system.

King Mackerel

King mackerel, often used in dishes like sushi or sashimi, can also have dangerously high mercury levels. It’s best to avoid this fish during pregnancy.


Tilefish, particularly the Gulf of Mexico variety, is known for its high mercury levels. It’s advisable for expectant mothers to avoid tilefish entirely.

Raw Seafood and Sushi

While sushi is a delicacy loved by many, it’s essential for pregnant women to exercise caution when consuming raw seafood. Raw seafood can carry harmful bacteria and parasites that may lead to foodborne illnesses. If you’re craving sushi, opt for cooked or vegetarian options to reduce the risk of infection.


Maintaining a balanced and nutritious diet is crucial during pregnancy. While seafood offers numerous health benefits, it’s essential to be aware of the types to avoid due to potential mercury contamination or the risk of foodborne illnesses. By making informed choices and consulting with your healthcare provider, you can enjoy a safe and healthy pregnancy while satisfying your seafood cravings.